Not all RSS users welcome

Dave Winer has started a Yahoo group (mailing list) for RSS users. He’s moderating it, which is a good idea given the personality-flames that otherwise accrue in online discussions surrounding Dave and the formats he has championed.
As I am a user of RSS and a contributor to Lockergonegnome’s RSS Resourse (as well as maintaining this weblog, which has a substantial syndication category), I signed up for the list. However, even with Dave’s ability to moderate the list and hence preempt any mischief or bad vibes, he has decided for his own reasons that I shouldn’t be allowed to subscribe:


The moderator of the rss-user group has denied your request for membership.

The moderator of each Yahoo! Groups group chooses whether to restrict membership in his or her group. Moderators who choose to restrict membership also choose whom to admit.

Please note that this decision is final and that Yahoo! Groups does not control group membership.


Yahoo! Groups Customer Care

As with all things Dave, I’m sure anything of value will appear elsewhere, so no real harm done.

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2 responses to “Not all RSS users welcome”

  1. liza Avatar

    well, you’re awfully nice.

  2. filchyboy Avatar

    Which I think is very funny as you seem to be pretty even handed in your critique of all things Dave.