Scott Mace migrates to TypePad.

In A frustrating but pivotal blogging week, Scott Mace discusses migrating his Service Provider Blog from Radio UserLand to TypePad. An outage that prevented him from posting with Radio prompted him to make the move sooner rather than later.
Scott sat in on my Seybold seminar, so I hope our discussion of the various blog and aggregator tools proved helpful in making the decision about how to proceed.
Meanwhile, he’s rethinking his approach to blogging:

I’m rediscovering how and why I blog. I used to treat my blog as a research tool for a variety of projects. I still will, but you won’t be seeing nearly so many posts. For one thing, I’m focusing more on the big picture, instead of trying to filter so much of the news.

He’s actually not bringing all his posts over to TypePad. Scott, consider using Bill Kearney’s Exporter.root tool to get your Radio posts into the MT format.

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