Superbowl ads – McDonald's / Gameday

Then there was an amusing McDonald’s ad in which a father and son compare their hectic days:
Mom suggests McD’s and the punchline is the son saying, “That’s what I love about that woman.”
This was followed by an ad for the premier of the Jimmy Kimmel show and one for the Al Bundy version of Dragnet. Then the kickoff show started and I had to mute Celine Dion singing God Bless America. I put the sound back on for the Dixie Chicks harmonizing on a cool arrangement of the semi-unsingable Star-Spangled Banner.
Then there was another version of the roadtrip ad. Equally cute, but are they trying to sell electric cars to college kids?
A preview of men’s tennis Masters, and then a funny ad for NFL Gameday 2003, featuring football fans tackling the guy who takes the last slice of pizza:
NFL Gameday 2003

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One response to “Superbowl ads – McDonald's / Gameday”

  1. Adam Rosenbloom Avatar

    Do you know where I can get a copy of the sheet music to that semi-unsingable arrangement of The Star Spangled Banner by the Dixie Chicks? I teach a high school choir class. – Adam Rosenbloom