The secret of blogging

While waxing prolix over on my personal journal friends and family deep thoughts and vacation schedules blog about hearing people singing words I wrote just a week or two ago (it’s freaky), I stumbled across the secret of blogging:

By the way, you know what the secret of blogging is? You just put a stake in the sand and the next thing you know you’ve got a tent there. People come by. Few return but some keep coming back. By now you have created a coherent place in the swirl of life. Even the people who don’t read you daily find it reassuring to check in with you again the way you might watch the occasional soap opera and quickly get swept up in the quickly paced plotting. It almost doesn’t matter what accumulated around that first planting. It’s all you, baby, and you’re beautiful! Oh, plus the endorphins.

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2 responses to “The secret of blogging”

  1. A Collection of Thoughts Avatar

    The Secret To Blogging

    I found this at Radio Free Blogistan and ya know, it’s kinda nice! By the way, you know what the secret of blogging is? You just put a stake in the sand and the next thing you know you’ve got…

  2. Jennifer Martinez Avatar

    I love it!
    Jennifer Martinez sends