Who is heathen.net?

So I’m goofing around thumbing through the always entertaining Craigslist and I notice that they’ve added (or made more accessible) a system basically allowing people to flag items as inappropriate, misfiled, or especially good. In a way it’s like the modding up and down they do at Slashdot. Anyway, I go to check out the “best” nominees and they’re in two categories, SF and NY. (Don’t any of the other cities do this yet?) Of course I start with the SF list and I can’t resist reading that ad entitled searching for bumbling sex dork.
The author points offers more info at her own site, and probably as the teaser intended, I spend the next hour reading her snippets of writing there. Nothing’s dated, which is kind of cool, and the design is appealing and simple. Apparently she (I can’t find any I.D. at the site) has used Craigslist as a creative medium before.
It’s weird. Who is she? I’m a fan of I don’t know who.

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