Best practices for Yahoo! Groups

Bob Jacobson, from Dean Leaders, notes:

It’s amazing how little examined Yahoo Groups are, given their centrality to the Dean campaign.
I did a search and turned up this moderated Yahoo group, Online Faciliation, which I’ve joined. (I’ve not yet confirmed.) The messages are rich, plentiful, and from recognized experts.
This looks very good. I recommend other DLs running YGs consider becoming members, also.
Full Circle Associates, organized around expert Nancy White, could be a source of help, although it’s a commercial enterprise.
For more general info, I recommend that DLs read WELL co-founder Cliff Figallo’s most recent book on online community. Cliff lives in Sonoma County and should be accessible to us for occasional consultation.
Howard Rheingold was the guy who set Trippi off in the first place. He’s in Mill Valley, CA, and likewise should be available for occasional help, maybe an online seminar for Dean Leaders: Rheingold Associates

Yahoo! Groups : onlinefacilitation

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