Bronchitis or pneumonia

Apologies for radio silence. Over the weekend I was celebrating my birthday but I’ve also been experiencing really bad asthma and some nonspecific aches and pains. It got pretty bad last night so I went to Kaiser today and they told me I’ve got (if I’m lucky) bronchitis or (if I’m not) pneumonia. Well, at least I know why my energy has been so low lately.
Don’t worry about tomorrow. If I have to crawl to my voting location to cast a ballot I’ll do it.
Also, along with the rest of the editorial staff, I’ll be blogging election day at Personal Democracy Forum tomorrow. We’ll be trying to pay special attention to the effects of technology on the race.

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2 responses to “Bronchitis or pneumonia”

  1. Cecil Vortex Avatar

    Yikes! Hey, feel better. hey, Sounds like no fun. I think what you need is a good, hot cup of President Kerry. If you know what I mean.

  2. Edgewise Avatar

    Voting for change

    I dragged my wheezy lungs up to the school on the hill to cast my ballot. I’ve never missed an election and I always think it’s important to vote, but even in this decidedly non-swing state (California) I felt like…