Encouraging Report Today Re: “The Kids Are Alright”

Poll Finds Pro-Kerry Vote Fever at Colleges
LA Times
“[A]ccording to a poll released Thursday by Harvard University…84% of students said they would ‘definitely be voting’ this year, compared with 50% who said so in the spring of 2000.”
“The poll surveyed…210 campuses in 48 states. Students…preferred Kerry over Bush, 52% to 39%….The Massachusetts senator led Bush by 17 percentage points in 14 battleground states, some of which have college populations significant enough to tilt the outcome in a close election.”
“A second poll released Thursday, surveying a broader group of young people [i.e.. not just students] aged 18 to 29, also showed a Kerry lead. In that survey, released by ABC News, 57% favored Kerry and 38% chose Bush. That contrasted with the 2000 election, in which young voters mirrored the divide in the general population, with 48% for Democrat Al Gore and 46% for Bush.”

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