We’ve had stealth mode for this site, then the soft decloak, then the informal prelaunch, and now we’re just about ready to launch the site. Review copies are going out this week so it’s time to spruce up the site with a design that reflects the book cover. (There will be one more big milestone in September when the book is published and we launch the publicity effort.)
I still have some unposted material from the DNC, including a phone interview I did with a “sex worker” who wasn’t able to get anywhere near the convention because of the security cordon. After the four days of nonstop work, sweat, and drinking, though, I had to sleep a lot and take a little time off. This week I’ll finish up with my retrospective convention blogging and post an essay on what I think the convention was “for” over at Greater Democracy, where Aldon Hynes did a great job of chronicling the onsite blogging experience last week.
Getting ready to launch for real
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