Google suggests

Trying out the Google Guessing Rank (GGR) game outlined by Jon Scalzi, I got a kick out of watching what Google Suggest (it’s a beta) thought I might be searching for until I got four letters into my last name. Here’s the literal sequence if I type all the letters (counting even when it doesn’t change the guess, to make a prettier diagonal:

  1. cnn
  2. christmas
  3. christmas
  4. christmas
  5. christmas
  6. christmas
  7. christina aguilera
  8. christianity
  9. christianity
  10. christian dior
  11. christian coalition
  12. christian cross
  13. christian cruises
  14. christian crumlish
  15. christian crumlish
  16. christian crumlish
  17. christian crumlish
  18. christian crumlish

Big drop off in results with each new phrase, and I just barely missed the crusades along the way.

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