Trolling around the first floor looking for interviews I passed Sam Donaldson giving an interview to a local radio dj. Without being too obvious, I tried to look at the marmoset that lives on his head. I thought for sure it was a rug but now I’m thinking it really may just be an outrageous combover, or a toupé designed to look like an outrageous combover.
Anyway, as I got close I heard him trotting out the same old tired interpretation: “There’s no suspense. There are no floor fights.” (Paging Jay Rosen.)
The radio jock was eating it up. He asked if Donaldson might tell him some stories of exciting conventions he’d covered in the past, but I don’t think that line of questioning went anywhere, because as I was walking away I heard Donaldson had changed the subject to “shove it.”
Hack in a nutshell
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3 responses to “Hack in a nutshell”
Hey Xian,
I hope you’re enjoying the convention. A few of us gathered together last night in the Berkeley hills to watch the speechifying. Was Obama as exciting in person as he was on TV? It’s a shame that the TV networks denied Americans the opportunity to watch his speech. The networks get the right to broadcast for free — is it too much to ask that every four years they give up 24 hours of primetime over the summer (when they show repeats anyway)?
Yes, Obama had the whole place in an uproar and on the T riding home that night he was the talk of the delegates I spoke to, including people from Tennessee, North Carolina, and Montana.
Yes, Obama had the whole place in an uproar and on the T riding home that night he was the talk of the delegates I spoke to, including people from Tennessee, North Carolina, and Montana.