Kerry seemed ‘on’

In the spirit of balanced analysis, let me offer this counter-point to xian’s crafty post-debate “spin.”
Yes, fine, I’ll grant his central thesis: Sure. OK. Bush was off.
But leave us not forget: Kerry was on.
Really, the guy had a job to do, and dang if he didn’t nail it. He was smart, strong, likable, dare I say…presidential. He even managed to stomp on Bush without coming across as superior or “aloof.”
And even more: he left remarkably little SNL fodder in his wake. No sighing. No lock boxes. As I think we all learned in 2000: hard-shelled mockery can help write history, and tonight Kerry kept himself on the smart side of that swinging blade.
Now ole smirky boy…seems like it might be possible for them to have a little sport at his expense. Oh yes indeed…

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2 responses to “Kerry seemed ‘on’”

  1. Ron Brynaert Avatar

    Bush Proved Kerry Is Right In Debate
    John Kerry finally showed America what he’s made of in his first debate with George Bush. While the President evaded most of the questions, stopped and stuttered, and stumbled over his talking point notes, Senator Kerry presented a clearcut case as to why he would do a better job at winning the war on terror. The best judge of this interpretation would be President Bush himself who proved Senator Kerry right in his assessment that Iraq was a detour in the war against Al Qaeda when he couldn’t even remember Osama bin Laden’s name.
    Why Are We Back In Iraq?

  2. the RaptorMage Avatar
    the RaptorMage

    “The smart side of that swinging blade” … wow, what an image. Like Harrison Ford ducking the mechanism that protects the Grail in “The Last Crusade”. And our guy is definitely the Good Guy on a Quest.
    Bush is the henchman, running in to drink from the wrong gaudy cup. Kerry is far more likely to choose wisely.