Media Monkeys & Red Star Republicans

….as in See No Evil, etc. Has anybody noticed that the Bush campaign stops all seem to take place in the same room? And that the media show only the podium-shots of Kerry and Bush as if they were both addressing actual crowds of people? Have you also noticed that the Bush “campaign speeches” include a laugh-track and a boo-track? News outlets have commented on Bush “rallies” that require participants to undergo a loyalty inspection before entering. But who’s pointing out that those side-by-side Kerry/Bush photo ops at the public podiums are patently one-sided? The Kerry rallies have huge crowds of people who congretated in public places to hear him–whether they support him as a candidate or not. The Bush events are not public appearances. They’re Mao Moments. Remember those? The cut-and-pasted head of Chairman Mao floating in the Yellow River to prove that he was alive and swimming? The hordes of Mao-izens herded into the streets for a Mao Moment photo-op? Maybe Republicans should be wearing red stars on their lapels instead of the American (equal parts red and blue) flag.

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One response to “Media Monkeys & Red Star Republicans”

  1. David Kolodney Avatar
    David Kolodney

    You nailed it. There was–a last!–a good piece in the Washington Post this morning.
    Typical of the exchanges at Bush’s town hall meetings is this one from last week in Beaverton, Ore.
    “Mr. President, you were a fighter pilot and you were with the 147th Fighter Wing?”
    “Yes,” answers Bush.
    “And flew a very dangerous aircraft, the Delta F102?”
    “Right, and I’m still standing.”
    “I want to thank you for serving our country”
    “Thank you.”
    “Thank you for serving.”
    The campaign insists that the audience is not heavily screened and the questions are not planted. And if protesters are weeded out, that’s only a question of hospitality.
    Bush prefers the “Ask President Bush” sessions, the campaign equivalent of the infomercial, with an audience designed to look as if it’s been plucked randomly off the street, delighted anew at each twist and turn of the master’s demonstration, irrepressibly bursting with questions and comments.