Mernit's ideas for social media election coverage

I’ve been insanely busy (once again) preparing for the convention and the conference later this week and the blog dinner and the promotional efforts for my book that I’ve bookmarked about 73 addresses I’ve been meanin to blog about and will probably just donate them all to delicious eventually.
For anyone interested in politics and media, Susan Mernit’s list of collaborations she’d like to see this year is a must read:

2004 Election coverage– What I’d like to see
We’re just a week away from the DNC, and nothing in the online news space looks very fresh or very different – yet. Six months ago, I wrote two articles for the Digital Edge of the Newspaper Association of America about the 2004 elections and online news sites. One piece focused on the ad side, the other on the edit. In both, site managers and editors discussed what the kind of coverage they hoped to offer for the 2004 race.
None of it seems to have happened.
With the idea it is time to get with the program, here are some things I’d like to see news organizations do[.]

I wish I had more to add at this time, beyond saying that Mernit may be about two years ahead of her peers.

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