First, a reminder that I’m blogging this convention in a number of different spaces. One way to see everything I’m publishing on my own servers is to go to my monolog aggregrated blog.
I had big plans to make it to the California delegations breakfast this morning, to hear Boxer and Feinstein among others, but after catching the last 73 bus to Belmont at about 1:30 last night (a girl had puked in the back, and when we started moving she woke up and ran to the front to get on the 71 bus – the driver said, “oh, sure, throw up on my bus and then ride in his.”) and several nights of three hourse sleep, I got up today, showered, and realized that if I didn’t go back to bed I would die. My head was pounding, I was sweating, and I was weak in the knees.
Now it’s nearly four hours later and I’m still at critStock’s house in Belmont, but I feel much more human.
Time passes quickly in the hall. Before you know it you’ve missed several meals and forgotten to drink any water. It’s also (of course) noisy and chaotic all the time. Picture three circuses going on at once.
Needless to say, this is not the ideal writing environment.
Oh, for an assistant and an editor and a copyeditor and an entourage.
Did I say that outloud?
I’ll need to head downtown to get my credentials again soon, but I think before rushing into the hall today I’ll find a nice (relatively) quiet cybercafé and try to clear through my backlog of notes from yesterday.
(I’m getting some gentle complaints from readers along the lines of “blog more.” Please remember that a lot of us are blogging – I can’t do it all myself. You’ll get your best view of the experience by looking through many sets of eyes.)
Spreading myself thin
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