It’s as good a time as any to do another week in review:
Monday I finally closed out my February files, deposited some checks, and then met my editor, Pete Gaughan, for a lunch on the sidewalk outside Arizmendi (pizza in the sun, yea! it almost made me feel like I had kicked this cold) and to discuss the progress on my book and the all important subtitle. That night I went to the monthly Alameda County Organizing Committee meeting for the once and future East Bay for Dean organization.
Tuesday I got the groceries and made dinner (petrale soul baked with sauce bercy) but that was about it. Hey, I’m still sick.
Wednesday I managed to submit the book’s glossary (nee appendix) after making dinner (grilled grass-fed cross-rib steak, baked potatoes, salad).
Thursday once again I was wiped out and slept almost all day. I did get the garbage and the yard waste (green bin) put out for the next morning’s pickup.
Friday I did my laundry, sent out a message to my book’s participants via Orkut inviting informal peer reviews of a few chapters, sent a note to one of the authors of Extreme Democracy to invite them to participate in a panel on politics and technology at the Waterside conference in Berkeley in April, and put in a call to a publisher in Connecticut on behalf of one of my clients. He was on another line and will call me back Monday. Oh, also tried to help move along the production process for another book.
Today I got a birthday present for a friend, picked up some sour cream for the icing on the cake, refilled a prescription at Kaiser, took nine shirts to the cleaner, had a pair of trousers (Christmas gift from B) altered, got my glasses readjusted and priced a replacement for the magnetic clip-on sunglass part of my other glasses ($90, holy shit! decided to put off that purchase for a while), and did a preliminary sort of agenda items for a Northern California summit meeting of grassroots Dean organizations taking place next month.
Things I didn’t get done this week but meant to include reviewing and resubmitting Chapter 4 (I’ll try to finish that tomorrow), updating all teh contact info for participants in my book, initiating the next set of interviews for my book, paying my bills, booking a flight on Southwest to San Antonio for the American Popular Culture conference in March, booking a flight on JetBlue to Boston for the Democratic convention in July, coming up with other ideas for the Waterside conference.
And a propos of nothing, I see that the warm weather has restarted the Ladies (and Gents) who Lunch series in Oakland, next scheduled for March 18. See you there?
That time again
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