The Amazing “Fahrenheit” Fever

‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ Making GOP Nervous Article
“…Republican operative Joe Gaylord said. ‘It’s a problem only if a lot of people see it.’”
-DKo: If the projections below are anywhere near accurate, the Republican “problem” will be immense.
“…through last weekend, theaters already have sold an estimated 12 million tickets to ‘Fahrenheit 9/11.’
“A Gallup survey … said 8 percent of American adults had seen the film at that time, but that 18 percent still planned to see it at a theater and another 30 percent plan to see it on video.”
-DKo: For a total of 56%! I must say the 26% theater total, at least, seems over-the-top, since that would be a blockbuster-level $300 million in theater gross. Possibly people being surveyed overstate what they will actually do. But even if we cut these numbers in half…
“More than a third of Republicans and nearly two-thirds of independents told Gallup they had seen or expected to see the film at theaters or on video….
“The Gallup survey found that nearly half of the Republicans and independents who expect to see the film said they were likely to view it on video.”
-DKo: If that is so, it will be October before the main electoral effect will show up in the polls.

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2 responses to “The Amazing “Fahrenheit” Fever”

  1. Doglas Anders Avatar

    In Toledo, Ohio, the movie was a catalyst for a film festival of lefty documentaries that will show 40 films between now and the last week in October.
    Believe me, this sort of thing just doesn’t doesn’t happen in Toledo. Documentaries never are shown here, and almost no one knows that the small, aggressive even exist. But the festival has received prominent coverage in the local paper, and since the movies are being shown in churches and coffee houses and union halls across the city, many people are going to be exposed to F 9/11-type films all the way to the election.

  2. David Kolodney Avatar
    David Kolodney

    Wow! I am finding this seriously inspirational.