The human rights group Amnesty International said it had warned U.S. and British authorities…. “We have talked to ex-prisoners, who say when they were taken into custody they were hooded and beaten, sometimes numerous times and subjected on some occasions to psychological torture and acts of sexual humiliation,” Amnesty’s Neil Durkin told Sky News.
“They (the provisional authority) simply have not acted on these reports. There is on the face of it a pattern.”
In neat, handwritten block letters, the son wrote a journal about his Iraq experience and sent a copy to his father. ….”MI [Military Intelligence] has also instructed us to place prisoners in an isolation cell with little or no clothes. No toilet or running water, no ventilation or window for as much as three days.”
“A year ago, I did give the speech from the carrier saying that we had achieved an important objective, that we had accomplished a mission…” [Bush] said “there are no longer torture chambers…in Iraq.”
“There is on the face of it a pattern.”
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