They're discussing this book on the Omidyar Network

Aldon Hynes, who reviewed my book at Amazon and on his Orient Lodge weblog also started a discussion about the book in the book club group of the Omidyar Network.
Soon afterward, Marnie Webb from CompuMentor and Tech Soup and N-Ten (whom I met in person when we appeared on a panel together at the N-TEN conference in San Francisco a month or so ago) asked me to join another conversation there.
I need to do my homework, but it looks like the site is designed to faciliate cross-collaboration among nonprofits. Functionally, it offers many of the features of social-network systems with much of the functionality of a wiki.
Seems like a strong core group is there already. I will report more as I continue to study it and participate.
A piece called The Value of Values at Omidyar gives some guidance and clues by relating the network’s statement of values:

  • We believe every individual has the power to make a difference.
  • We exist for one single purpose: So that more and more people discover their own power to make good things happen.
  • We are actively building a network of participants because we know we can’t do this alone.
  • We invite you to learn more about us and some of the people we’re working with.

Something tells me that for this book and its attendant quest my site will have to provide a locus for interaction, but we don’t yet have a critical mass of either posting or commenting “citizens” yet, so I don’t want to get too far ahead of myself.
Also, I continue to be weary of entering personal information about myself over and over, each time more meta- than the last.
Add to glossary: Omidyar Network
Note to self: Need easy shorthand plugin translator to make glossary links on the fly.

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2 responses to “They're discussing this book on the Omidyar Network”

  1. marniewebb Avatar

    Hope you find the Omidyar network interesting and fruitful. One quick correction: I’m with CompuMentor and TechSoup but not N-TEN.

  2. xian Avatar

    d’oh, my bad! will fix…