U.K. blog on business blogging

I just discovered a blog called Cutting Through. The guys who run it say about themselves:

We run a marketing & technology consulting business that helps smaller companies in the UK. A lot of our work is now centring on using social software technology to reduce information problems in business. So this blog is designed to share our knowledge and first hand experience.

…but the tagline says more about the blog content: “A live case study to show how to cut through the information and technology clutter.” They started out with entries on the how-to of blog tech and of website promotion, but they have moved on chiefly to metablogging, social software, and wikis for businesses, quoting A-listers such as Blood, Scoble, and Searls.

And it was only from this blog that I learned that David Weinberger has a version of the Small Pieces Loosely Joined blog for kids!

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One response to “U.K. blog on business blogging”

  1. Wayne (from Cutting through...) Avatar

    many thanks for the links and helping to spread the word!
    much appreciated.