Wanted: Despamming intern

Because spammers subsist on donkey-anus jerky, cleansing the nightly sputum out of the comment system of my nanopublishing network node (it’s an empire I tell you, a veritable Conblogulated Edison of small-press samizdat and closely observed ephemeral minutia) is starting to take at least half an hour each morning. I could adopt best practices, make posts over x days old autoclose comments. Start requiring TypeKey. Whatever.
Here’s a better idea. I’m looking for an intern to do two things for my blogs over the next six months:

  1. despam
  2. suggest improvements (ask the readers)

Applicants must demonstrate the ability to get email through my spam filters.

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One response to “Wanted: Despamming intern”

  1. Adriana Cronin Avatar

    Why don’t you use Turing test? The only spam that ever makes it into our comments section has to be manually entered and therefore easy to manage as we also review the last 150 comments in MT login menu. Works beautifully.