Kottke at the mercy of his readers

Jason Kottke, one of the best-loved personal bloggers, has quit his job and is soliciting donations from readers so he can pursue his dream, Doing kottke.org as a full-time job.
It should be interesting to see whether his very large audience contains enough supporters to enable him to make a go of it.
I’m not sure this “business model,” this way of leveraging “the many” would work for anyone who isn’t over at the left side of the power-law curve, but it’s still fascinating, if only for what it says about Kottke’s desire to put his blogging on the front burner and dignify with his full attention.
Update (via Waxy): over at Ask Metafilter, they’re talking about what they’d be willing to pay, if anything, for various weblogs.

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2 responses to “Kottke at the mercy of his readers”

  1. The Power of Many Avatar

    A blogger’s fund drive

    Almost posted about this here first but instead filed it over at Radio Free Blogistan: Kottke at the mercy of his readers. Interesting test of the “power of many” to support the blogging work of one….

  2. Jessica Lopez Avatar

    Kottke Go Go Go! ;)