Nothing much substantial has changed but for some reason I’m the optimism tip this week. I have a feeling something’s about to break big and I can’t quite put my finger on it. Or maybe I’m just getting hyped for south by southwest.
I’m more productive when I’m in this kind of mood, though. I’m working hard on the new Civicspace site for East Bay for Democracy and I’ve been keeping up around the house with vacuuming and dinner prep and whatnot, helping B set up my thinkpad as an alternative workstation in her office, and even dealing with bills and related money woes.
I haven’t had quite as much time to practice the guitar lately, so I’m kind of chomping at the bit to make time for that, but I’ll get to it. Also, I think I finally got the Monkey Vortex Radio Theater podcast working, so that’s cool. Now I just have to finish my Understand, Rubberband? script for said radio theater and I’ll have my writing chops back too.
I need to work on a few articles for Personal Democracy Forum, and I need to download tax software pronto, because I think I’m getting a refund this year.
What else? No word from the documentary TV people I spoke to in New York, so I dropped them a line to say what’s up? Also, another feeler for some information architecture work for a huge global services company working for another huge Fortune 500 company based in Missouri. If that works out I’ll be doing the commute-by-plane thing for a while, but it would sure help with cash flow.
On the upswing
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2 responses to “On the upswing”
Great news! Why not take the and projects I’m working on? I feel out of my league and I don’t want the sites to take too long to be ready (or to be ready and look “amateurish”). Those two would help the cash flow, too. Let me know.
Hey Xian,
Nice blog! I see you play guitar. I’m a guitar teacher in Seattle and I’ve got a blog on my business website you might enjoy. I recently posted an article “How To Practice” that you might like.
I’ve also got tons of songs that I’ve written out for my students here:
I hope you like the blog! Link to my site if you think you might be coming back, and leave a comment to let me know what you think.
Good luck with all your plans,