Packing for New York

I’m jetbluin’ it to JFK later today for PDF 2 on Monday and I’m trying to figure out a few last-minute packing decisions. It looks like it will be mildly warm and rainy while I’m there, so I’ll pack my raincoat. I guess I’ll bring my leather jacket since it won’t be too hot and it’s important to wear black leather and look cool when you’re in New York.
Then there’s how to dress for the conference. There will be a lot of Washington professionals – consultants and journalists – there. So do I wear a suit? But keep the collar open? Or do I go as a west-coast hipster and wear my neighborhoodie and some t-shirt? How do I maximize my apparent billable rate without looking like a poseur or a phony?
Decisions, decisions.

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One response to “Packing for New York”

  1. Frances M. Avatar

    “Poseur or phony”? Darling Xian, you go as yourself — a published author several times over, an outspoken yet soft-spoken mind, mega-blogger, would-be stand-up comedian yet dead serious about true democracy… I’d leave stuck-up duds to those who really are.