- 10:00 Emergent Semantics because Eric Meyer rocks or
- 10:00 Blogging Showdown even though metablogging is so 2003
- 11:30 How to Create a Compelling Community Website because in more than 10 years I still haven’t figured this out or
- 11:30 How to Leverage Solipsism because Peter Merholz is funny and Stewart Butterfield is an inspiration… [update] ah, but it turns out neither is present – fortunately Veen and Vander Wal et al are doing just great
- 12:30 Lunch with whomever wants it, and preparing for my panel today and working on the East Bay for Democracy website
- 2:00 Malcolm Gladwell’s keynote of course – Willem we be so jealous but
- 2:30 I have to find the Green Room to assemble for my panel
- 3:30 Open Source Marketing: The New Unwieldy / Unlimited Product Publicity because… uh, I’m on this panel (and thus have to miss Dan Gillmor’s We the Media session at the same time)
- 5:00 How to Grow Online Community craigslist creator meets Metafilter moderator or
- 5:00 Open Source Infrastructure Canter and Mullenweg and Tribe guy, oh my or
- 5:00 How to Build Your Brand with Blogs Molly and Scoble and Coudal! (except I kinda know how to do this already, or else why are you reading this?) or
- 5:00 Why Free is a Good Price: The Terrible Business Model of Red vs. Blue just because I’ve always liked free stuff
Sunday SXSW Schedule
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