The Times inching toward a bloggish attitude?

Metasnark about the Times “What’s Online” column from O’Reilly Radar (The NY Times Gets into the Blog Spirit):

Today’s New York Times’ What’s Online column, by Dan Mitchell, contains this nice little tidbit:

OH, WE HAVE A BLOG? Red Hat Software, the Linux distributor, may have had big things in mind when it started its set of blogs six months ago. But one of them, the Red Hat Executives Blog, contains just three entries: two in January and one in May.

Snarky, snarky, snarky! But correct, as of this writing…. These ‘blogs’ must be quite threatening, for the Times to devote a whole column to slamming them! Of course, at least Red Hat has a blog — search for ‘blog’ on and you’ll find they publish none but (O’Reilly author) David Pogue’s Posts. The search engine does provide this helpful tip, though: “Did you intend to search for bog?”

While they’re at it, maybe the Times can fix Pogue’s RSS feed so that it doesn’t keep showing old articles as new and confusing my newsreader?

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