Welcome, Camilo!

Loyal readers of this weblog may have noticed that we haven’t exactly kept up with the original three-to-seven posts a day pace that I first established in that heady summer of 2002. I’ve been busy with my new job and my other blogs and my other contributors have their own blogs and pursuits distracting them as well.
Hey, I don’t think we’ve even posted about Google’s new blog search tool (which I’m not impressed by, yet).
So, here’s my solution: new blood.
Please welcome Camilo Ramirez as a new contributor to this weblog. Camilo is a Colombian economist recently relocated to the Bay Area, with a passion for online communities and a desire to understand what is the the future of our virtual interacting environments. Camilo’s background includes math, environmental studies and media, and he is currently watching how ideas and communities evolve through the interaction and transformation of values and customs as new ideas and applications emerge.
Since moving to the Barea, Camilo’s been making the rounds of geek dinners and blog conferences and blog dinners and geek conferences and he is full of interesting ideas and insights about the future of blogging. He and I were carrying on a fascinating email correspondence when I asked him if he might be interested in putting some of his thoughts down here at RFB. He agreed, and I am pleased to welcome him to the team.
This weekend I’ll update the sidebar to add Camilo to the contributor list. I may also rethink what else appears there. Perhaps some of the other blog entries from the Telegraph publishing empire would be valuable. There was a time when I used RFB as my everything-blog before it reverted to being just a blog about blogging and a blog about blogging about blogging (but never a blog about blogging about blogging about blogging).

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2 responses to “Welcome, Camilo!”

  1. Camilo Ramirez Avatar

    Thanks, Frances! I do certainly consider Christian a blogfather, and it is amazing to collaborate with his blog. RFB becomes an ideal place to explore all the ideas that bubble up in the world of blogs.