Democratizing the art market

David Hinojosa has got a project called Stock Artist that offers a simulation (for now) of a rationalize the art market.
I’m not sure I fully understand the concept, but this appears to be the nut of it:

The central nucleus of Stockartist is the “transformed art piece’s concept.” This concept consists in dividing the value of one work, or a group of them into little pieces called “stock-art.” The stock-arts have two characteristics: they represent one part of the value of the “transformed art piece” and they are themselves art works. In other words, the stock-arts are at the same time art works and an instrument of investment that besides of representing their own value, they represent other’s. The stock-arts share some common physical characteristics as: maximum weight, maximum size, security codes, etc, and they contain unique characteristics imposed by their creator.

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One response to “Democratizing the art market”

  1. David Hinojosa Avatar

    Thank’s Christian for include in your blog your comment about the stockartist project
    I will try to clearify the idea. But the complete concept is in or you can send me your questions to
    Today the mechanisms of the art are controlled by the exclusive participants of the art market: galleries, museums, curators, collectors. They set the price of the artworks, says witch artists and artworks have the highest value for the society. The public does not have any chance to participacte on this game. Prices are so expensive, they make practices that exclude many people intelectually and economically. So how the public can influence in the speculation of the art works with a regular income?
    The answer is in the stockartist model.