That time again

Last year I did National Novel Writing Month and managed to bang out 30,000 words of my novel For You, The Stars.
I wrote nearly every day of the month and averaged slightly more than 1000 words a day, short of the 50,000 word target for NaNoWriMo participants but still a heckuva lot more fiction writin’ than I usually do.
In fact, in the elevent months since I’ve added just one or two thousand word installments to the pile. So this year I’m going to do it again. I estimate that the first draft of this novel needs to be about 80-100,000 words, so if I keep up the pace I managed last year I’ll have the draft 2/3rds done by the end of the month.
For those hooked readers who occasionally send me “what happened next?” comments, thanks! Your encouragement – while not sufficient to drive me to the keyboard much since January – has definitely contributed to my desire to keep writing this occasionally very dirty novel.

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One response to “That time again”

  1. Cecil Vortex Avatar

    excellent — looking forward to following along….