Finding my bliss

jchead.jpgA week or so ago I posted a semi-whimsical question on Facebook:
> Has anybody seen my bliss? I was following it but I think I fell too far behind.
(Hat tip to Joseph Campbell, pictured here, who seems to have coined the phrase “follow your bliss.”)
My friend Aldon Hynes wrote an interesting post, Following Our Bliss, inspired by this, saying, in part:
> Christian has a good job. He’s published a book. He’s newly married. I would have expected him, of all people, to be keeping up with his bliss. Perhaps it is endemic of how hard it is to follow your bliss these days. Perhaps some of it is that people aren’t even sure what their bliss looks like anymore.
He then goes on to talk about his own various ups and downs recently and closes by saying
> So, I’m not sure where Christian’s bliss has gone. Perhaps it is walking down the street, talking with my bliss, stopping to befriend a homeless man, spending a little time helping a teenager find her voice, and doing a little social networking to help other people find bliss that is more meaningful than talking about fashion, horoscopes and the desire to find Mr. Right in an Internet chat room.
Believe me, I am well aware of my blessings and how fortunate I am in my life, my love, my work, and so on, but I still wrestle – as probably many people do – with wondering whether I am engaged in the best possible uses of my short time here on earth. No doubt there is a grass is greener component of this, and not everyone is sucked into a higher calling. Some of just muddle through, trying to follow our bliss and sometimes losing sight of it around a corner just up ahead, but I think it’s probably that urge to thrive and grow that really matters.

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