Kurds Killing Arabs to Stabilize Iraq?

Anger Mounts Over Deployment of Kurdish Forces to Baghdad
By Nidhal al-Laithi and Marsi abu Tareq
Azzaman, Iraq, 1/7/07
Kurdish leaders have decided to deploy their own militias in the fighting now taking place in Baghdad….This will be the first time Kurdish armed groups will fight in Baghdad, and specifically against their co-religionists, Arab Sunnis. The majority of Kurds are also Sunni….
In a city like Baghdad which is riven with sectarianism, it’s hard to know if the Kurds will actually engage in battle, given the religious decrees of top Sunni clerics – many of whom are Kurds – forbidding the taking up of arms against the resistance….
The Mahdi Army itself is a sworn enemy of the Kurdish Peshmerga militias and is spearheading the resistance to Kurdish moves to annex the oil-rich city of Kirkuk in the Kurdish autonomous region.
Many see the possibility of Kurdish militias fighting in Baghdad as a dangerous step, and one which is bound to deepen ethnic divisions and add fuel to the current sectarian fire.

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