Just got a call from an organizer named Barbara with the local Barack Obama for President campaign, telling me they are opening a new Northern California campaign office in downtown Oakland, and inviting me to a grand opening party for the office on 4136 14th Street (near Broadway) this Sunday, September 30, from 1 to 5 pm.
I’m thinking of going. I haven’t gotten involved in a campaign yet, nor have I picked a candidate, but I do like what I’ve seen of Obama so far, even as I wish he would take a harder line on ending the war in Iraq.
They say the party will have music and they expect the media there so they’re hoping to get the word out, so consider this my first volunteer effort for the campaign, trying to get the word out about this party just a little bit more.
Oakland for Obama?
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2 responses to “Oakland for Obama?”
I’ve recently left a position in the Mayor’s Office, S.F.and I am completely “juiced” by what Barak is doing and want to get involved in his campaign.
Please tell me what to do or where to go!
interested in helping on day a week or so, i am a black engineer.