The eerily missing word

Even if you slept through most of Social Studies in high school, the word “Extraterritoriality” was almost impossible to avoid. It was going to be on the test. Yet, in the weeks since the mass slaughter by Blackwater in Baghdad, it has been absolutely eerie in its total absence from the news.
It referred to the unilateral impunity of the citizens of the ruling powers within the territory of their humiliated subordinates. It was virtually synonymous with Colonialism, which every reporter is required to know does not exist.
Therefore, even the Quiz Question answer sheets of high school history have become Too Liberal to Mention in the American press. So here’s a quick refresher course for American journalists of what they should have learned just to get out of 11th grade:
“In the 19th cent. Western powers, often through coercion, secured unilateral extraterritorial rights for their citizens in China, Egypt, Japan, Morocco, Persia, Siam, and Turkey in the belief that these ‘uncivilized’ states were incapable of establishing justice….
“Extraterritoriality of this type was strongly resented as an infringement of sovereignty and was abolished in Japan in 1899, in Turkey in 1923, and in Egypt in 1949….
“In 1924 the USSR voluntarily abandoned its privileges in China, as did the United States and Great Britain in 1943. Italy and Japan lost their special status during World War II because they were enemies of China. In 1946, when France abandoned its privileges, nondiplomatic extraterritoriality in China came to an end.”
The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia Copyright © 2004
So it was expelled from China in 1946, but it is alive and well, and living in Iraq.

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