When it comes to thinking, bigger really is better

cover of Think Big ManifestoMichael Port, author of a number of bestselling sales-guru business books, has now come out with a pocket volume called The Think Big Manifesto: Think You Can’t Change Your Life (and the World?) Think Again.
I like the arresting graphic design of the book (a publicist sent me an advance copy) but was somewhat wary of the bold marketing language on the wrapper. Still, I found on opening the book that I was drawn in by the author’s cool, knowing style and I prepared myself to be convinced.
I started reading the book, nodding my head: I agreed with just about everything I read. The prose voice is somewhat breathless, though, and I had trouble staying focused on the book’s flow. As brief as it is, I noticed myself skimming ahead to the summarizing statements.
I found myself agreeing with all of the specific advice in the book and wondering whether I can (or do) actually follow it myself. What most of it comes down to is daring to think big and avoiding the doubts and negativity and small thinking that can so often hold us back.
I like this kind of thing, though I am also wary of it. That is, I want self-help, breakthrough, artistic and entrepreneurial leaps, but I have also seen a lot of snake oil and easy answers in my day. So it’s love/hate with this type of thing for me, and sometimes I adore it (The Power of Now, The War of Art, Money & the Meaning of Life) and other times it doesn’t stick.
For all of the books of this ilk I’ve devoured, where are my masterpieces, my killer apps? I’m still waiting to see if this one will take.

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One response to “When it comes to thinking, bigger really is better”

  1. Heather Gold Avatar

    Books like this make analytic, intellectual sense but are rarely effective because they don’t address the social, relational and psychological stuff that’s keeping people form moving forward.

    Also, the premise of books like this is that they empower the reader. But they can function socially to establish the author as the expert and encourage a kind of dependence upon that person of voice.

    The book and it’s voice emotionally contain you while you read it. But it’s the emotional container people need and the ability to integrate that themselves that makes the critical difference in moving forward for many.

    Is the book all about YOU or all about Michael Port? I haven’t yet read this one but I find that these books rarely chronicle a vulnerable emotionally detailed journey that is personal to the author. On that he, (or any of us with our stories) are expert.

    I believe we are on the edge of moving from an era of selling. If what you do is not make anything of value but sell the thing one person makes of value to what is valued by another..what is it that you do?

    If you’re a great performer and storyteller….fantastic. Then that’s what you are.Say that.

    Confidence comes from a certain number pf psychological developmental preconditions having occurred which then allow you to take a risk (knowing you can withstand failure) and then, having come through the experience, try another and another, bigger and bigger, emboldened.

    Doubts, negativity and small thinking were useful survival techniques for many people. Possibly you. Can you imagine that?

    In short, you don’t need Michael Port. You need you to be enough. Or am I wrong, Is there something in this book that helps you feel like you are enough?

    Ok, this is getting a little long for a comment.