Getting timey-wimey

I’ll still adjusting to my new non-routine routine, oddly busy for someone on administrative leave from a job I’m losing at the end of next month. On top of job interviews and plans for several different projects outside of regular jobs, I’ve been working hard on the release plans for my record, and we have a friend in town from Paris we haven’t seen in years, which involved a bit of driving yesterday to maximize the time we got to spend with her.

There were also medical appointments, coffee chats, larger calls with exiled colleagues to discuss some decisions that affect all of us, a trip to the pharmacy, a trip to the post office (to send my tax workbook in to my preparer and to send copies of Matt LeMay‘s latest book to product folks from TTS and my former team at 18F).

John Tenniel’s white rabbit (or march hare) illustration from Alice in Wonderland, holding a pocket watch

Then at five of 6pm I got ready for a call with the Portland UX Book Club to discuss my book Product Management for UX People when my laptop decided to reboot itself. This ended up taking so long I had to join my own call about five minutes late.

Worse yet, once they introduced me, a griefer who had signed on to the open call as “Christian” unmuted to say the word “pedophile” with a non-American pronunciation (starts with “pee-“). South African, I wonder?

That user then gained control of screen sharing and started streaming some explicit porn. I don’t judge anybody’s kinds but displaying hardcore porn to strangers without consent is sexual harassment and a crime. Just saying.

In the rush to kick them off I also got kicked off and Zoom apparently remembers your device (I suppose so griefers can’t just log back in with a new account?), so in the end I re-connected to the call on my phone and I think did the rest of the talk off camera. There were a few other complications with unmuting, but in the end we had a pretty good discussion, and I must applaud Nicole Mors for organizing it all and keeping her cool when every possible complication arose.

Shout out to my 18F colleague Ron Bronson who also helped manage the meeting and handled the griefer with aplomb!

This morning I realized I had never gotten around to writing anything here yesterday. If anything, when I have more to write about I seem to be also more likely to not get around to it.

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