We have to stick together

It’s Monday and I’m still drawing a paycheck but I’m on “administrative leave.” Still the muscle memory is strong and a bunch us held a standup to coordinate some immediate mutual aid and response activities.

Later in the day the incumbent leadership team from 18F also connected to regroup, check in on each other, and agree that our primary goal is to support our people, get those who need work most urgently into new jobs as soon as possible, and help folks through the process of being RIF’d, offboarding, applying for unemployment, appealing to the Merit Board and otherwise pursuing complaints, and everything else involved with this messy dismissal.

It’s definitely not the same. It’s already something different. But the habits are strong and the energy needs to go somewhere.

I’m reminded of something Ken Kesey once said that made such an impression on me I have likely repeated it to scores if not hundreds of people already in my life:

Since we don’t know where we’re going, we have to stick together in case someone gets there.

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