Just got back from DC and boy are my rights tired!
I still need to catch up on my “fitness journey” as I think they call it nowadays. Thinking about how to illustrate a total knee replacement without gruesome medical Butthole Surfer type aesthetics. I’ll figure out something but the #longstoryshort is that I feel two decades younger and more energetic, which is good timing.
What else is going on? Sadly, tomorrow’s session was postponed due to one of the participants coming down with the horrible superflu that seems to be going around.
Turns out to be a good day to tune into the next episode of work, which reminds me I have this amazing pitch for a dystopian thriller about a superempowered transnational oligarch who seizes control of the government and busts it out like a private equity firm stripping assets from a retail chain before dumping the workers onto the garbage heap. Who would believe it, though?
This might be a good moment to catch up on recent microblogging, once again just my own thoughts, not things I liked or reposted (maybe I’ll figure out a way to track that stuff someday if it matter).
7 hour ago
i don’t have time for semantic bullshit
— mediajunkie (@xianlandia.com) February 2, 2025 at 8:30 AM
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