Author: briggs
Her Body Her Self?
I find the current congressional furor over a certain woman’s body (pretty much just body since her mind is gone)quite hysterical and tragic. The story is about everything but the woman herself. “A woman who at the age of 26 was apparently in the process of starving herself – that’s what an ‘eating disorder’ is,…
you are what you et
I had to wonder, hearing that George W. was going to dine with the president of France on his European “friendship tour,” whether he managed to spit his escargot into his napkin like a good patriot. This was because I had just read Deanna Swift’s Feb. 7 report on the recent departure of Walter Scheib…
private? personal? it’s all partisan
Since the Shrub administration is parsing terms these days, I’d like to suggest some additional euphemisms… Private parts shall now be personal parts. There is no more privation–it’s providence. Privileged? No. Preselected. Will the SSS become the Social Securities System? The Republicons who gave us the Death Tax are primed to pitch young against old…