Author: cecil

  • The recall


  • In which Bob Novak freaks me out

    The people at NBC want to make you think. You can learn more about life from five minutes of Ed, for example, or Scrubs, than you can from, like, 15 minutes of ABC’s According to Jim. This is all the more especially true for NBC’s news shows. Take, for instance, Tim Russert’s “Meet the Press.”…

  • Ranking redux

    Christian suggested I share my top-ten ranking of the Democratic candidates…. It’s a rich field, with a whole generation’s worth of 50-60 year-olds taking their best shot. You could make the case that this is the most top-heavy collection we’ve seen from either party in three decades. There are five I like (Clark, Dean, Edwards,…

  • Outmaneuvering the Radical Right

    My fellow Democrats: When Arnold wins in California next week, there will be lots of talk by the national party that this was a successful plot by the Republican Right to subvert the will of the state’s Democratic majority. But really, that’s missing the point. Arnold didn’t need the recall to beat Gray Davis. In…

  • Flip-floppering, part II

    Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan made an interesting observation on the TV tonight. Instead of calling General Clark an outright flip-flopper, she hit a related but distinct theme, saying: never trust a man who tells you he’s on a journey. Her concern is that Clark doesn’t appear to have a fixed political philosophy. He’s learning and…

  • Flexible flip-floppering

    One of the conservative critiques you’ll be hearing about General Clark is that he’s awfully indecisive for a general, that he’s guilty of muddy thinking, and of course, that he’s flip-flopping. The Right takes flip-flopping very seriously. Bill Clinton was a draft-dodging, pot-smoking, super-slick flip-flopper. Gore was a big-fibbing, sweat-streaming, sore loser of a flip-flopper.…