Author: david
No Time to Lose on Burning Flags!
At last, Vice President Cheney has had the guts to stick his neck out and move the flag-burning ammendment to the front burner. Facing up to the flag-burning crisis that is overwhelming our nation may not be popular or fashionable or “hep-cat,” but it is the right thing to do.
Video Shows Foreign Fighters in Major Iraq Attacks
(The Reuters video in question) Mostly British and American, I suppose.
It’s OK, Ma, They’ve Stopped Beating Their Wives.
It has been widely reported and openly acknowledged that Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld issued orders to employ “harsh interrogation techniques”–orders that were later rescinded. A similar sequence occurred later in Iraq, with respect to interrogation orders issued by General Sanchez. In both cases, the orders were reversed on legal advice that the techniques authorized looked…
US Decries Iranian Meddling
Iran Is in Strong Position to Steer Iraq’s Political Future, NYT, 7/3/04 ….Already, the Iranian government has quietly strengthened its presence in Iraq by providing financial backing…and by flooding the country with intelligence agents, the officials say….Most worrisome to American officials are Iran’s close ties to powerful Shiite clerics like Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani…and Moktada…
Our Question Wins by a Mile!
In March, I blog-worried about which of two questions about Bush and Terrorism would prevail: Our Question or his. I think now we know. [W]hich of two messages will end up as the net “take-away” …. –The weak one is that Bush didn’t care enough about terror: It’s mushy, vague, “who can know?”, etc. –The…
I pledge alliegance to my respective country…
This was a Reuters headline today: Serb Vote Halts Feared Slide Back to Nationalism The AP story led with: A reformist politician defeated a nationalist ally of Slobodan Milosevic… I wonder, seriously wonder, what in the world we Americans do think about nationalism. Do we think that we are nationalistic? If so, do we take…