Category: long story short

  • Grateful

    For an often-morose moper, I have lots to be grateful for. I’m healthy, young(-ish), privileged, and free. I work at home. I live in a beautiful mediterranean climate. I have maintained a love affair for over a decade. I am still learning to know myself better, to listen to my body, to express my emotions.…

  • Purported Bin Laden “Letter to America”

    Full text: bin Laden’s ‘letter to America’

  • Can the Democrats win again?

    Harley Sorensen has some, on balance,very wise advice for the Democratic party in Dems Must Change To Win In ’04 / View from the left: To win in 2004, the Democrats must return to their roots, rather than continue their recent insipid balancing act, an act that has turned them into spineless, lukewarm Republicans. But…

  • I’d laugh if I weren’t crying

    Tom Tomorrow describes three scenarios and asks you to guess which actually happened and which are outlandish satire. I should probably just link to the cartoon every Monday….

  • Fear of a Muslim Planet

    The Well is a private conferencing system, its “current” topic notoriously incivil, and yet there’s been a great discussion there lately, with a frank exchange of a wide range of views about geopolitics today and the war on terror, and little patience for unexamined truisms Since I only “own my own words,” I can’t provide…

  • Ex-Republican Huffington bemoans new Stepford Pelosi

    I’ve been in there rooting for “San Francisco Democrat” Nancy Pelosi, though I know her mainly as a fundraiser, and cutting her some slack as she tries to reposition the Democrats in congress, but Huffington put her finger on a real concern in her Salon column today: Turning her gaze on the smoldering ruins of…