Category: long story short
Trampled by Babe the blue ox
At loose ends… I am suddenly adrift. There’s no immediate urgency to find a new project, but my current work has suddenly stopped… I know I should enjoy the downtime, the freedom, the sudden rush of patient but niggling fantasies, but part of me also feels like I should be immediately lining up “the next…
Couldn’t blog anything yesterday, dealing with a project-related crisis that’s still in progress. It feels funny to miss a day. I usually post something somwhere, but by evening, my first free moments, I felt too discouraged. Not chatty. On the other hand, change is good, so I may be able to rev up my writing…
Idiocy of the week indeed
At Salon this week Andrew Sullivan writes, “Where, one wonders, has Denby been? The main argument on the right these days is not white supremacism (I know that’s news to Joe Conason, but then a lot of what’s going on in the world is).” The line is designed to have conservative readers nodding in sympathy…
W. Bush believes he is presiding over ‘the end times’
(via The Smirking Chimp) According to Jack Van Impe Ministries International, President Bush “knows” that he’s involved with prophetic events concerning the Middle East and the final battle between good and evil: I know that he as seen this video, “Jerusalem: War or Peace.” His brother in Florida, Jeb Bush, has seen it because he…
Thanks for the babies!
Tom the Dancing Bug nails the relentless search for the center.
The Berkeley Bowl
coffee baguette blueberry scones white wine red wine roasted chicken reggiano pecorino gruyere dozen eggs qt half ‘n’ half qt nonfat milk pavel’s plain lo-fat yogurtses nonfat brown cow toilet paper (9 packs/fat) sardines w/o oil 3 lbs. of country style pork rib (for mex. dish) chicken stock so get some necks and feet from…