Category: long story short

  • Lag time

    Just finally put away the suitcase from the wedding a few weeks back. Why do I leave things like that? What finally triggered the desire to deal with it? Doesn’t it feel nice to have it off the floor?

  • (satirical left-wing ezine) writer search/contest

    Compete and win! Antifundamentalist is looking to add a writer to their staff and are holding a competition to select the lucky winner. Your prize will be a thrice-weekly voluntary column and a large and growing readership. I’d compete if I didn’t already have 48 hours of work to do every day and I’d…

  • Sullivan calls the election an endorsement of the tax cut

    I guess even when his team is winning the spin never ends: In his Daily Dish, Andrew Sullivan slips in “…for the tax cuts” as presumably one of the motivating factors that led the electorate to give Bush both houses of Congress. I don’t see it. Where’s the evidence? Similary, the nonstop attacks of Krugman…

  • Backyard bloggy queue

    Taking a tip from of my clients, I moved my airport base station to the basement today. My network is funny: I have a long long ethernet cord running down the laundry chute to the basement where my second hub was set up, up to now just to provide access for the old Pentium Pro…

  • Punkin' Patch Kids

    Caleb in orange Sam with Pumpkin

  • Dirty Tricks 2002

    Tom Negrino writes: Following up on my post on 11/1 about Republican voter intimidation and vote suppression efforts, Josh Marshall, at Talking Points Memo has two current examples. One of them — the flyer being distributed to black areas in Baltimore — is one of the most appalling political dirty tricks I’ve ever seen.