Category: long story short
Scowcroft warns of Armageddon
What is it with Republicans and the end times? We had the scary apocalypsm of Reagan’s kitchen cabinet and now some evangelicals have bred a red heifer in Israel (wonder if it’s anywhere near Megiddo’s hill?) to immanentize the eschaton and bring on the last battle. Here a bona fide Republican breaks ranks to warn…
Message: I Care
Fanatical Apathy does a brilliant job of
What She Really Thinks
Stop the “bomb Iraq” railroad. She wants to get off: “Saddam is a very bad man” is not a reason for the United States to go to war. If we’re going to start tossing out every petty tyrant who abuses his people abysmally, the US is going to be busy for a long time. And…
Politics Blog to Watch
Toby’s Political Diary — ‘Let it Begin Here’ has turned out a lot of thought-provoking prose in its just over two weeks of existence. Here’s the description: I am from Lexington, Massachusetts. I believe the “war on terror” is a threat to democracy both here and abroad. Over 200 years ago, John Parker, Captain of…
Revolution in Iran, Again?
Michael Ledeen, writing in the National Review Online says that the major media are ignoring a revolution underway in Iran.
‘Pretend Ignorance’ Over Who is Leaking Iraq War Plans
In The Fog of Newspapering in Slate, Jack Shafer examines the quandary a newspaper (in this case the New York Times) gets itself into when it must cover a questions such as “Who has been leaking Pentagon war planning for Iraq to the New York Times?” By the way, has anyone yet coined the term…