Category: long story short

  • drawing resmini

    this movie shows (quickly) how I drew this picture of Andrea Resmini speaking at the 2010 IA Summit:

  • a 22-pen signature

  • Norm(s)!

    ocial norms may be defined as a set of values particular to a group, the purpose of which is to provide a sense of balance, a mechanism by which people may gauge what is “normal” and acceptable in a specific context or situation. Such norms are not defined by outside factors; rather, they emerge directly…

  • An essential guide to fostering online community

    Building Social Web Applicationsby Gavin BellO’Reilly (October, 2009) Gavin Bell draws on his extensive experience to offer a well structured guide to adding community elements to a website or application. His book will help any professional planning a social strategy, designing a set of social features, determining the types of relationships to foster among users,…

  • Richard Fleming's Walking to Guantanamo: A closely observed true thing

    Walking to Guantanamoby Richard FlemingCommons (Oct 1, 2008) I loved this book from start to finish. Fleming is a charming and self-deprecating travel companion: the best kind. His pictorial eye strives to transmit clear, unfiltered images and as his readers we make up our own minds about the pros of cons of hitchhiking across Cuba.…

  • This is what a dislocated pinkie looks like

    The doctor I saw on Wednesday gave me this printout “as a souvenir.” Note the badly strained wrist (seen only as a large bulge, since only soft tissue, no bone, was damaged).