Category: long story short

  • Bush loses the 2012 Olympics?

    Following up on Boris Khadinov’s note about the pro-Bush ad that takes advantage of the Olympics: various blogs are now repeating a quote from the German magazine Der Spiegel (here translated by me). An unnamed IOC member says that because Bush won’t stop running the ad, “New York’s chances to host [the Olympics in 2012]…

  • i <3 Orcinus

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Thank goodness for David Neiwert. He isn’t attracting the most attention among the scholars, journalists, and bloggers rebutting FOX-pundit Michelle Malkin’s defense of Japanese-American internment, but as always he is providing long-form cogent detailed critiques and summaries that will help anyone get up to speed on…

  • Najaf Optimism Counseled

    US intelligence sources have good news about the coming assault on the Imam Ali Mosque in Najaf: –US troops entering the shrine are likely to be greeted with cheers by the militia members holding out inside. –The building itself will be protected from battle-damage by America’s new GARDOL Anti-Missile Shield. –US diplomat Paul Bremer will…

  • The Uneven Bar

    I don’t want to diminish anybody’s accomplishments with my expertise, but some of these contestants were VERY lucky there was another bar to grab on to.

  • Olympics

    I follow the Olympics very closely, and I notice that the race this year between the Golds, the Silvers, and the Bronzes is, as always, incredibly close–which makes it very exciting. My problem is don’t you get the feeling everyone is trying just a little bit too hard?

  • Quote without Comment

    “Still, the phenomenon of Iraqis being shot simply because they are in the wrong place at the wrong time has been a recurring problem for the Americans.” Sadr City Sings Its Praises of Cleric, LA Times, 8/22/04