Category: long story short

  • Olympics

    I follow the Olympics very closely, and I notice that the race this year between the Golds, the Silvers, and the Bronzes is, as always, incredibly close–which makes it very exciting. My problem is don’t you get the feeling everyone is trying just a little bit too hard?

  • Quote without Comment

    “Still, the phenomenon of Iraqis being shot simply because they are in the wrong place at the wrong time has been a recurring problem for the Americans.” Sadr City Sings Its Praises of Cleric, LA Times, 8/22/04

  • Undercovered #2

    “[J]just 5% of Jordan’s 11,000-truck fleet was ferrying supplies to Iraq–down from 85% before the U.S.-led 2003 invasion.” Article

  • Undercovered #1

    “US and Iraqi government forces have been forced out of Falluja, with the fighters of the insurgency now dominating Ramadi and Samarra and both sides fighting for control of Mosul.” Article

  • Sovereign Power in Iraq

    “Nobody is taking Sadr at his word,” [US national security advisor Condoleezza Rice said]. “He’s someone from whom you have to see action. He said lots of words before. He has never followed through on them. And I don’t think you’re going to see an Iraqi government that’s going to take his word.” Sadr “can’t…

  • Cut the Roaming, Please!

    Conflict in Najaf Dominates Iraq Political Meet, Reuters, 8/16/04 “Residents said the holy city was tense as Shi’ite militia loyal to radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr roamed the streets….” “Roaming the streets.” What is it with them? They’re always doing that! Why can’t they be like Americans? We just walk around.