Category: long story short

  • New York, New York

    Been thinking the last few days about the impact of the latest 9/11 revelations on the campaign. If nothing else, this should put a clamp on future Bush campaign 9/11 TV ads. Here’s a related thought: Last year, most (me included) figured that a NYC convention would be a source of strength for the Bush…

  • Bush’s Vietnam?

    I don’t think so. I think this is Bush’s Iraq. Or maybe Bushes’ Iraq. And there will come some future mess. And there will be parallels. And the press will say, “Is this President Whathis/hername’s Iraq?” And the papers will ask: Is President Whatshis/hername at risk of losing their presidency, the way GW Bush back…

  • inflammatory

    Washington Post: “The latest round of tension began March 28, with the U.S. closure of Sadr’s al-Hawza newspaper….[which] had printed articles that U.S. officials deemed inflammatory.” –Good thing we nipped that in the bud.

  • I demand a recount

    You are Maureen Dowd! You like to give people sillynicknames and write in really short, nonsequitur paragraphs. You’re the most playful ofthe columnists and a rock-ribbed liberal, butare often accused of being too flamboyant andfrivolous. You tend to focus on style oversubstance, personality over politics. But yourheart is in the right place. Plus, you are…

  • A swiftly tilting planet

    Looks like there’s some very big badness taking place in Iraq. Quick takes from two perspectives – one from Tacitus on the right over here and from DemFromCT over on Kos over here. As the real world intrudes, perhaps the outcry over Kos’ post re mercs (discussed ad infinitum on Tacitus, Kos, and a million…

  • Tangential to “The Art of the Possible”

    (Greetings from a newcomer!) Back in the day, I wrote: The liberal committment: “If it is possible, it can be arranged.” The radical: “If it is necessary, it can be achieved.”