Category: long story short
I demand a recount
You are Maureen Dowd! You like to give people sillynicknames and write in really short, nonsequitur paragraphs. You’re the most playful ofthe columnists and a rock-ribbed liberal, butare often accused of being too flamboyant andfrivolous. You tend to focus on style oversubstance, personality over politics. But yourheart is in the right place. Plus, you are…
A swiftly tilting planet
Looks like there’s some very big badness taking place in Iraq. Quick takes from two perspectives – one from Tacitus on the right over here and from DemFromCT over on Kos over here. As the real world intrudes, perhaps the outcry over Kos’ post re mercs (discussed ad infinitum on Tacitus, Kos, and a million…
Tangential to “The Art of the Possible”
(Greetings from a newcomer!) Back in the day, I wrote: The liberal committment: “If it is possible, it can be arranged.” The radical: “If it is necessary, it can be achieved.”
Condi Rice’s foreign policy priorities, circa early 2000
Absolutely excellent post here from’s Josh Marshall. It discusses a Condi Rice piece in Foreign Affairs, from early 2000, laying out what she saw as the countries five key foreign policy priorities. Marshall writes: Only the last made any mention of terrrorism and it was: “to deal decisively with the threat of rogue regimes…
Lightning in a bottle, baby
It’s as easy as falling off a log ( + 25 years).
How finnegans wake
They start noticing things again. When they feel that something needs doing, they do it. They stop being afraid of making mistakes. They stop hiding from themselves. They wake up to find out they are the eyes of the world.