Category: long story short

  • The merits of Dean’s tax-repeal proposal reconsidered

    Via Altercation, I notice that Jonathan Cohn at “even the liberal” New Republic has taken a serious look at Dean’s tax proposal, one that goes beyond handicapping the tactics: Maybe advocating total repeal of the tax cuts really is political suicide. But, whatever Dean decides to do, there’s another question that commentators rarely ask: In…

  • Edwards + Kucinich > 15%?

    According to WHO TV in Des Moines, the Edwards and Kucinich campaigns have agreed to combine their caucus support if either candidate isn’t “viable” (meaning has less than 15% support). It’s not clear if this is a caucus-by-caucus plan or something they plan to coordinate statewide. It’s also not clear what happens if both are…

  • My (little) pony in this race

    So I’ve been thinking through the various scenarios, trying to puzzle out what I’d like to see happen in Iowa. And I’ve concluded that, whatever else goes down, the main thing I’m hoping for is a third or fourth-place finish for Dick Gephardt. It’s not that he’s a bad guy. He’s not. It’s just that…

  • Wesley and me

    On Wednesday (somehow I missed this at the time — didn’t seem to really get much press…), Michael Moore wrote an endorsement letter for Wes Clark, now posted on This is new stuff — not just a rehash of the Draft Clark era letter he wrote a while back. It’s a pretty short, fairly…

  • Dean: up on the downbeat?

    As Christian sez below, Edwards is doing pretty well in Iowa. So’s Kerry. Gephardt’s holding fairly strong. Meanwhile, in New Hampshire, Clark continues to close on Dean. Kerry’s picked up a few points. Lieberman’s making some late progress. Really, pollwise, just about every major candidate ‘cept Dean has some reason for renewed hope this past…

  • It’s a four-way race in Iowa

    Looks like it’s Edwards’ turn to get the big mo’. His all-positive, all-the-time approach certainly read well in the last debate. Trapper John over at Kos points out that Iowa will still come down to GOTV (get out the vote efforts), and there’s still the possibility that the Dean camp will bring in new, thus…