Category: long story short
Moseley Braun to endorse Dean
This primary race sure is getting interesting. Just the other day I was talking to Cecil and we were marveling at the Dean campaign’s ability to orchestrate endorsements, like the Harkin one, that manage to change the media’s short-term memory for the previous issue-du-jour. I suppose this news that Carol Moseley Braun is about to…
About 10 hours before I posted “To Ohio and beyond” (see below), the always excellent featured a post making pretty much exactly the same point. And that’s odd, I think. I mean, my observation wasn’t particularly timely. It happens that yesterday’s post popped into my head when it did. But it could have easily…
To Ohio and beyond
There’s a new poll out for Ohio, which holds its primary on March 2nd. Like a lot of state-primary polls right now, it puts Dean well out in front (29%) with Clark in a fairly distant second (17%). If you’re like me, you look at that, and you have to think: wow, that’s one heck…
Hunkering data perv
The latest ARG tracking poll for New Hampshire shows Clark gaining 2 points per day over the past 5 days, for a total climb from 12% up to 20% and a very solid second-place showing. Meanwhile in contrast, over the same period Edwards has shot up from 3% to, er, um, 3%.
Clark hunkers down
Looking at Clark’s schedule on his campaign web site, it’s clear that the general is hunkering down. Hunkers he where? No surprise there. He’s hunkering in New Hampshire. There are at least two things we can extrapolate from all this: (1) it’s yet still even more so, another interesting aspect of Web Election 2004 —…
Big bump for Clark in new CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll
A new national poll puts Clark at 20% (up from 12%), Dean at 24% (down from 27%), with a 5% margin for error. National polls don’t mean all that much right now, and Dean still has by far the strongest overall state-by-state numbers. But as expected, this is another indication that the story now starts…